Discovering and Sharing Our Spiritual Heritage Together


We believe the diversity of peoples and cultures is sacred, created by God, with all people intended to be in relationship with each other and their creator.    

As a non-sectarian faith-based organization pursuing the above mandate, we initiate and support projects that build community, affirm ethnic diversity, resolve conflict and bring harmony. We achieve this through local partnership and collaboration in the areas of scholarship, media and the arts.


Media and Consulting

In order to communicate, grow in spirituality and overcome barriers of misunderstanding and hate, we strive to use the most appropriate media tools and share our insights with partners. We consult with those who wish to build bridges of understanding between East and West.


All peoples, languages, and cultures are an expression of the richness of God’s creation. We strive for harmony between them, especially focusing on working with people of faith. Our spirituality should lead to authentic relationships of peace and mutual respect, overcoming misunderstandings, fear and hatred. It should also lead to practical works of compassion to people and communities in need.

Scripture and Research

Scripture: We work to make the writings of the ancient prophets understandable and accessible. This is based on our belief that the Scriptures, as well as other ethical and moral texts cherished by various cultures, are a world heritage and not owned by any particular group.

Research: In conjunction with partners, we conduct field research and share our findings to build understanding and community between those of different faiths.


It is often said that beautiful content should be expressed in beautiful forms. For this reason, we consider it vital to work closely with artists of all disciplines to communicate the works of ancient spirituality in modern contexts.

Contact us

We are here to answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you 🙂